Currency Tool Information

Notes for using our Currency Tool

We have recently added the currency tools to the website, to help you view our prices in a currency more suited to your country and or so you can compare with other companies you might buy from. All actual payments taken on the Rallynuts Ltd website are taken in GB Pounds, so even if you check out, having left the currency in Dollars for example, the total we will take/receive will be as the basket records it in GB Pounds. We would like to take the exact amount of Dollars or Yen etc, as the basket might be stating, but currently the software, banks and merchant services cannot be configured to enable this currently.

So please be aware of this, we suggest you click on the GB Pound sign prior to actually checking out, just so you can be happy that is the sum being processed. Please also be aware that your Credit Card Company or Bank will pay us the exact amount of GB Pounds that were stated in the basket and charge You the equivalent amount at their conversion rate and this might differ slightly from the conversion rate used on our website.

Please also remember some Card Companies and Banks make a small charge for an overseas purchase, so when it comes to receiving your card statement you might think we've overcharged you, however, we will genuinely only receive the amount stated on your invoice in GB Pounds, any apparent overcharge will have been made by your Card Company or Bank and it's they who keep the money in charges, not us!

Helpful Suggestion?

To help you to know exactly what you are going to be charged, you could use PayPal? You can pay with a Credit or Debit card through PayPal or with your PayPal money, the good thing about using PayPal is that they state exactly what the cost will be to you before you proceed, so whatever they tell you the cost will be in your currency, will be the amount taken from your card/account.

We can also receive a Bank Transfer from you, this might prove beneficial if you have funds to spend, but we do require you to add £7 to the incoming amount to cover the bank charges we incur to receive your money in the UK.

If you have any questions or queries regarding Currencies, Charges or Payments, please just e-mail via the contact us page here!