Helmet Validity for 20241 Comment14 September 2023 | Sadie Matthews As the 2023 season starts to come to a close and the 2024 season looms large in the headlights, that helmet rule change is just around the corner, So, what does that mean for Competitors? Well, its time to carefully examine what you put on your head every time you step into your car, as it may no longer be homologated for international or national motorsport from January 2024. Older helmets, such as Snell SA2005, SFI, and BS6658/Type AFR, are no longer valid for any international or national motorsport, and this has been the case for quite some time. PLEASE NOTE - This is for UK customers - the rules will vary depending on where you are in the world.
Is my helmet still valid? Find the Homologation label in your helmet and check against the below chart which shows the expiry dates for each standard:
*No current expiry - This does not mean these will never expire, this will depend on future rule changes but at present there is no expiry on these homologations.
Find the panel inside the back of your helmet and carefully pull down. This should reveal your homologation label which contains all the information you need to know in order to check the homologation of your helmet. Need a new helmet? If you are unsure on what you need or would like to arrange a helmet fitting, please contact our sales team!
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